Source code for pydas.drivers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Library: pydas
# Copyright 2010 Kitware, Inc., 28 Corporate Dr., Clifton Park, NY 12065, USA.
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module is for the drivers that actually do the work of communication
with the Midas Server instance. Any drivers that are implemented should use the
utility functions provided in pydas.drivers.BaseDriver by inheriting from that

import json
import os

import requests
import requests.exceptions

from retrying import retry

import pydas.exceptions

[docs]class BaseDriver(object): """Base class for the Midas Server API drivers.""" # Class members. email = '' apikey = '' def __init__(self, url=""): """ Constructor. :param url: (optional) URL of the server :type url: string """ self._api_suffix = '/api/json?method=' self._url = url self._debug = False self._verify_ssl_certificate = True self.auth = None @property def url(self): """ Return the URL of the server. :returns: URL of the server :rtype: string """ return self._url @url.setter def url(self, value): """ Set the URL of the server. :param value: URL of the server :type value: string """ self._url = value @property def full_url(self): """ Return the full URL of the server including the API suffix. :returns: Full URL of the server :rtype: string """ return self._url + self._api_suffix @property def debug(self): """ Return the debug state of this driver. :returns: debug state :rtype: bool """ return self._debug @debug.setter def debug(self, value): """ Set the debug state of this driver. :param value: debug state :type value: bool """ self._debug = value @property def verify_ssl_certificate(self): """ Return whether the SSL certificate will be verified. :returns: True if the SSL certificate will be verified :rtype: bool """ return self._verify_ssl_certificate @verify_ssl_certificate.setter def verify_ssl_certificate(self, value): """ Set whether the SSL certificate will be verified. :param value: If True, the SSL certificate will be verified :type value: bool """ self._verify_ssl_certificate = value @retry(wait_exponential_multiplier=1000, wait_exponential_max=5000, stop_max_attempt_number=5)
[docs] def request(self, method, parameters=None, file_payload=None): """ Do the generic processing of a request to the server. If file_payload is specified, it will be PUT to the server. :param method: Desired API method :type method: string :param parameters: (optional) Parameters to pass in the HTTP body :type parameters: None | dict[string, string] :param file_payload: (optional) File-like object to be sent with the HTTP request :type file_payload: None | file | FileIO :returns: Dictionary representing the JSON response to the request :rtype: dict :raises pydas.exceptions.PydasException: if the request failed """ method_url = self.full_url + method response = None try: if file_payload: response = requests.put(method_url,, params=parameters, allow_redirects=True, verify=self._verify_ssl_certificate, auth=self.auth) else: response =, params=parameters, allow_redirects=True, verify=self._verify_ssl_certificate, auth=self.auth) except requests.exceptions.SSLError: exception = pydas.exceptions.SSLVerificationFailed( 'Request failed with an SSL verification error') exception.method = method exception.request = response.request raise exception except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: exception = pydas.exceptions.RequestError( 'Request failed with a connection error') exception.method = method if response is not None: exception.request = response.request raise exception status_code = response.status_code try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: error_code = None message = 'Request failed with HTTP status code {0}'.format( status_code) try: content = response.json() if 'code' in content: error_code = int(content['code']) message = 'Request failed with HTTP status code {0}, ' \ 'Midas Server error code {1}, and response content ' \ '{2}'.format(status_code, error_code, response.content) except ValueError: pass exception = pydas.exceptions \ .get_exception_from_status_and_error_codes(status_code, error_code, message) exception.code = error_code exception.method = method exception.response = response raise exception try: content = response.json() except ValueError: exception = pydas.exceptions.ParseError( 'Request failed with HTTP status code {0} and response ' 'content {1}'.format(status_code, response.content)) exception.method = method exception.response = response raise exception if 'stat' not in content: exception = pydas.exceptions.ParseError( 'Request failed with HTTP status code {0} and response ' 'content {1}'.format(status_code, response.content)) exception.method = method raise exception if content['stat'] != 'ok': if 'code' in content: error_code = int(content['code']) message = 'Request failed with HTTP status code {0}, Midas ' \ 'Server error code {1}, and response content {2}' \ .format(status_code, error_code, response.content) else: error_code = None message = 'Request failed with HTTP status code {0} and ' \ 'response content {1}'.format(status_code, response.content) exception = pydas.exceptions \ .get_exception_from_status_and_error_codes(status_code, error_code, message) exception.method = method exception.response = response raise exception if 'data' not in content: exception = pydas.exceptions.ParseError( 'Request failed with HTTP status code {0} and response ' 'content {1}'.format(status_code, response.content)) exception.method = method exception.response = response raise exception return content['data']
[docs] def login_with_api_key(self, email, api_key, application='Default'): """ Login and get a token. If you do not specify a specific application, 'Default' will be used. :param email: Email address of the user :type email: string :param api_key: API key assigned to the user :type api_key: string :param application: (optional) Application designated for this API key :type application: string :returns: Token to be used for interaction with the API until expiration :rtype: string """ parameters = dict() parameters['email'] = = email # Cache email parameters['apikey'] = BaseDriver.apikey = api_key # Cache API key parameters['appname'] = application response = self.request('midas.login', parameters) if 'token' in response: # normal case return response['token'] if 'mfa_token_id': # case with multi-factor authentication return response['mfa_token_id']
[docs]class CoreDriver(BaseDriver): """ Driver for the core API methods of Midas Server. This contains all of the calls necessary to interact with a Midas Server instance that has no plugins enabled (other than the web API). """
[docs] def get_server_version(self): """ Get the version from the server. :returns: version code from the server :rtype: string """ response = self.request('midas.version') return response['version']
[docs] def get_server_info(self): """ Get general server information. The information provided includes enabled modules as well as enabled web API functions. :returns: Module and web API information. :rtype: dict """ response = self.request('') return response['version']
[docs] def list_modules(self): """ List the enabled modules on the server. :returns: List of names of the enabled modules. :rtype: list[string] """ response = self.request('midas.modules.list') return response['modules']
[docs] def list_user_folders(self, token): """ List the folders in the users home area. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :returns: List of dictionaries containing folder information. :rtype: list[dict] """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token response = self.request('midas.user.folders', parameters) return response
[docs] def get_default_api_key(self, email, password): """ Get the default API key for a user. :param email: The email of the user. :type email: string :param password: The user's password. :type password: string :returns: API key to confirm that it was fetched successfully. :rtype: string """ parameters = dict() parameters['email'] = email parameters['password'] = password response = self.request('midas.user.apikey.default', parameters) return response['apikey']
[docs] def list_users(self, limit=20): """ List the public users in the system. :param limit: (optional) The number of users to fetch. :type limit: int | long :returns: The list of users. :rtype: list[dict] """ parameters = dict() parameters['limit'] = limit response = self.request('midas.user.list', parameters) return response
[docs] def get_user_by_name(self, firstname, lastname): """ Get a user by the first and last name of that user. :param firstname: The first name of the user. :type firstname: string :param lastname: The last name of the user. :type lastname: string :returns: The user requested. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['firstname'] = firstname parameters['lastname'] = lastname response = self.request('midas.user.get', parameters) return response
[docs] def get_user_by_id(self, user_id): """ Get a user by the first and last name of that user. :param user_id: The id of the desired user. :type user_id: int | long :returns: The user requested. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['user_id'] = user_id response = self.request('midas.user.get', parameters) return response
[docs] def get_user_by_email(self, email): """ Get a user by the email of that user. :param email: The email of the desired user. :type email: string :returns: The user requested. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['email'] = email response = self.request('midas.user.get', parameters) return response
[docs] def create_community(self, token, name, **kwargs): """ Create a new community or update an existing one using the uuid. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param name: The community name. :type name: string :param description: (optional) The community description. :type description: string :param uuid: (optional) uuid of the community. If none is passed, will generate one. :type uuid: string :param privacy: (optional) Default 'Public', possible values [Public|Private]. :type privacy: string :param can_join: (optional) Default 'Everyone', possible values [Everyone|Invitation]. :type can_join: string :returns: The community dao that was created. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['name'] = name optional_keys = ['description', 'uuid', 'privacy', 'can_join'] for key in optional_keys: if key in kwargs: if key == 'can_join': parameters['canjoin'] = kwargs[key] continue parameters[key] = kwargs[key] response = self.request('', parameters) return response
[docs] def get_community_by_name(self, name, token=None): """ Get a community based on its name. :param name: The name of the target community. :type name: string :param token: (optional) A valid token for the user in question. :type token: None | string :returns: The requested community. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['name'] = name if token: parameters['token'] = token response = self.request('', parameters) return response
[docs] def get_community_by_id(self, community_id, token=None): """ Get a community based on its id. :param community_id: The id of the target community. :type community_id: int | long :param token: (optional) A valid token for the user in question. :type token: None | string :returns: The requested community. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['id'] = community_id if token: parameters['token'] = token response = self.request('', parameters) return response
[docs] def get_community_children(self, community_id, token=None): """ Get the non-recursive children of the passed in community_id. :param community_id: The id of the requested community. :type community_id: int | long :param token: (optional) A valid token for the user in question. :type token: None | string :returns: List of the folders in the community. :rtype: dict[string, list] """ parameters = dict() parameters['id'] = community_id if token: parameters['token'] = token response = self.request('', parameters) return response
[docs] def list_communities(self, token=None): """ List all communities visible to a user. :param token: (optional) A valid token for the user in question. :type token: None | string :returns: The list of communities. :rtype: list[dict] """ parameters = dict() if token: parameters['token'] = token response = self.request('', parameters) return response
[docs] def create_folder(self, token, name, parent_id, **kwargs): """ Create a folder at the destination specified. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param name: The name of the folder to be created. :type name: string :param parent_id: The id of the targeted parent folder. :type parent_id: int | long :param description: (optional) The description text of the folder. :type description: string :param uuid: (optional) The UUID for the folder. It will be generated if not given. :type uuid: string :param privacy: (optional) The privacy state of the folder ('Public' or 'Private'). :param reuse_existing: (optional) If true, will just return the existing folder if there is one with the name provided. :type reuse_existing: bool :returns: Dictionary containing the details of the created folder. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['name'] = name parameters['parentid'] = parent_id parameters['description'] = '' optional_keys = ['description', 'uuid', 'privacy', 'reuse_existing'] for key in optional_keys: if key in kwargs: if key == 'reuse_existing': if kwargs[key]: parameters['reuseExisting'] = kwargs[key] continue parameters[key] = kwargs[key] response = self.request('midas.folder.create', parameters) return response
[docs] def folder_get(self, token, folder_id): """ Get the attributes of the specified folder. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param folder_id: The id of the requested folder. :type folder_id: int | long :returns: Dictionary of the folder attributes. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['id'] = folder_id response = self.request('midas.folder.get', parameters) return response
[docs] def folder_children(self, token, folder_id): """ Get the non-recursive children of the passed in folder_id. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param folder_id: The id of the requested folder. :type folder_id: int | long :returns: Dictionary of two lists: 'folders' and 'items'. :rtype: dict[string, list] """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['id'] = folder_id response = self.request('midas.folder.children', parameters) return response
[docs] def delete_folder(self, token, folder_id): """ Delete the folder with the passed in folder_id. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param folder_id: The id of the folder to be deleted. :type folder_id: int | long :returns: None. :rtype: None """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['id'] = folder_id response = self.request('midas.folder.delete', parameters) return response
[docs] def move_folder(self, token, folder_id, dest_folder_id): """ Move a folder to the destination folder. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param folder_id: The id of the folder to be moved. :type folder_id: int | long :param dest_folder_id: The id of destination (new parent) folder. :type dest_folder_id: int | long :returns: Dictionary containing the details of the moved folder. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['id'] = folder_id parameters['dstfolderid'] = dest_folder_id response = self.request('midas.folder.move', parameters) return response
[docs] def create_item(self, token, name, parent_id, **kwargs): """ Create an item to the server. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param name: The name of the item to be created. :type name: string :param parent_id: The id of the destination folder. :type parent_id: int | long :param description: (optional) The description text of the item. :type description: string :param uuid: (optional) The UUID for the item. It will be generated if not given. :type uuid: string :param privacy: (optional) The privacy state of the item ('Public' or 'Private'). :type privacy: string :returns: Dictionary containing the details of the created item. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['name'] = name parameters['parentid'] = parent_id optional_keys = ['description', 'uuid', 'privacy'] for key in optional_keys: if key in kwargs: parameters[key] = kwargs[key] response = self.request('midas.item.create', parameters) return response
[docs] def item_get(self, token, item_id): """ Get the attributes of the specified item. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param item_id: The id of the requested item. :type item_id: int | string :returns: Dictionary of the item attributes. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['id'] = item_id response = self.request('midas.item.get', parameters) return response
[docs] def download_item(self, item_id, token=None, revision=None): """ Download an item to disk. :param item_id: The id of the item to be downloaded. :type item_id: int | long :param token: (optional) The authentication token of the user requesting the download. :type token: None | string :param revision: (optional) The revision of the item to download, this defaults to HEAD. :type revision: None | int | long :returns: A tuple of the filename and the content iterator. :rtype: (string, unknown) """ parameters = dict() parameters['id'] = item_id if token: parameters['token'] = token if revision: parameters['revision'] = revision method_url = self.full_url + '' request = requests.get(method_url, params=parameters, verify=self._verify_ssl_certificate) filename = request.headers['content-disposition'][21:].strip('"') return filename, request.iter_content(chunk_size=10 * 1024)
[docs] def delete_item(self, token, item_id): """ Delete the item with the passed in item_id. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param item_id: The id of the item to be deleted. :type item_id: int | long :returns: None. :rtype: None """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['id'] = item_id response = self.request('midas.item.delete', parameters) return response
[docs] def get_item_metadata(self, item_id, token=None, revision=None): """ Get the metadata associated with an item. :param item_id: The id of the item for which metadata will be returned :type item_id: int | long :param token: (optional) A valid token for the user in question. :type token: None | string :param revision: (optional) Revision of the item. Defaults to latest revision. :type revision: int | long :returns: List of dictionaries containing item metadata. :rtype: list[dict] """ parameters = dict() parameters['id'] = item_id if token: parameters['token'] = token if revision: parameters['revision'] = revision response = self.request('midas.item.getmetadata', parameters) return response
[docs] def set_item_metadata(self, token, item_id, element, value, qualifier=None): """ Set the metadata associated with an item. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param item_id: The id of the item for which metadata will be set. :type item_id: int | long :param element: The metadata element name. :type element: string :param value: The metadata value for the field. :type value: string :param qualifier: (optional) The metadata qualifier. Defaults to empty string. :type qualifier: None | string :returns: None. :rtype: None """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['itemId'] = item_id parameters['element'] = element parameters['value'] = value if qualifier: parameters['qualifier'] = qualifier response = self.request('midas.item.setmetadata', parameters) return response
[docs] def share_item(self, token, item_id, dest_folder_id): """ Share an item to the destination folder. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param item_id: The id of the item to be shared. :type item_id: int | long :param dest_folder_id: The id of destination folder where the item is shared to. :type dest_folder_id: int | long :returns: Dictionary containing the details of the shared item. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['id'] = item_id parameters['dstfolderid'] = dest_folder_id response = self.request('midas.item.share', parameters) return response
[docs] def move_item(self, token, item_id, src_folder_id, dest_folder_id): """ Move an item from the source folder to the destination folder. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param item_id: The id of the item to be moved :type item_id: int | long :param src_folder_id: The id of source folder where the item is located :type src_folder_id: int | long :param dest_folder_id: The id of destination folder where the item is moved to :type dest_folder_id: int | long :returns: Dictionary containing the details of the moved item :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['id'] = item_id parameters['srcfolderid'] = src_folder_id parameters['dstfolderid'] = dest_folder_id response = self.request('midas.item.move', parameters) return response
[docs] def search_item_by_name(self, name, token=None): """ Return all items. :param name: The name of the item to search by. :type name: string :param token: (optional) A valid token for the user in question. :type token: None | string :returns: A list of all items with the given name. :rtype: list[dict] """ parameters = dict() parameters['name'] = name if token: parameters['token'] = token response = self.request('midas.item.searchbyname', parameters) return response['items']
[docs] def search_item_by_name_and_folder(self, name, folder_id, token=None): """ Return all items with a given name and parent folder id. :param name: The name of the item to search by. :type name: string :param folder_id: The id of the parent folder to search by. :type folder_id: int | long :param token: (optional) A valid token for the user in question. :type token: None | string :returns: A list of all items with the given name and parent folder id. :rtype: list[dict] """ parameters = dict() parameters['name'] = name parameters['folderId'] = folder_id if token: parameters['token'] = token response = self.request('midas.item.searchbynameandfolder', parameters) return response['items']
[docs] def search_item_by_name_and_folder_name(self, name, folder_name, token=None): """ Return all items with a given name and parent folder name. :param name: The name of the item to search by. :type name: string :param folder_name: The name of the parent folder to search by. :type folder_name: string :param token: (optional) A valid token for the user in question. :type token: None | string :returns: A list of all items with the given name and parent folder name. :rtype: list[dict] """ parameters = dict() parameters['name'] = name parameters['folderName'] = folder_name if token: parameters['token'] = token response = self.request('midas.item.searchbynameandfoldername', parameters) return response['items']
[docs] def generate_upload_token(self, token, item_id, filename, checksum=None): """ Generate a token to use for upload. Midas Server uses a individual token for each upload. The token corresponds to the file specified and that file only. Passing the MD5 checksum allows the server to determine if the file is already in the asset store. If :param:`checksum` is passed and the token returned is blank, the server already has this file and there is no need to follow this call with a call to `perform_upload`, as the passed in file will have been added as a bitstream to the item's latest revision, creating a new revision if one doesn't exist. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param item_id: The id of the item in which to upload the file as a bitstream. :type item_id: int | long :param filename: The name of the file to generate the upload token for. :type filename: string :param checksum: (optional) The checksum of the file to upload. :type checksum: None | string :returns: String of the upload token. :rtype: string """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['itemid'] = item_id parameters['filename'] = filename if checksum is not None: parameters['checksum'] = checksum response = self.request('midas.upload.generatetoken', parameters) return response['token']
[docs] def perform_upload(self, upload_token, filename, **kwargs): """ Upload a file into a given item (or just to the public folder if the item is not specified. :param upload_token: The upload token (returned by generate_upload_token) :type upload_token: string :param filename: The upload filename. Also used as the path to the file, if 'filepath' is not set. :type filename: string :param mode: (optional) Stream or multipart. Default is stream. :type mode: string :param folder_id: (optional) The id of the folder to upload into. :type folder_id: int | long :param item_id: (optional) If set, will append item ``bitstreams`` to the latest revision (or the one set using :param:`revision` ) of the existing item. :type item_id: int | long :param revision: (optional) If set, will add a new file into an existing revision. Set this to 'head' to add to the most recent revision. :type revision: string | int | long :param filepath: (optional) The path to the file. :type filepath: string :param create_additional_revision: (optional) If set, will create a new revision in the existing item. :type create_additional_revision: bool :returns: Dictionary containing the details of the item created or changed. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['uploadtoken'] = upload_token parameters['filename'] = filename try: create_additional_revision = kwargs['create_additional_revision'] except KeyError: create_additional_revision = False if not create_additional_revision: parameters['revision'] = 'head' optional_keys = ['mode', 'folderid', 'item_id', 'itemid', 'revision'] for key in optional_keys: if key in kwargs: if key == 'item_id': parameters['itemid'] = kwargs[key] continue if key == 'folder_id': parameters['folderid'] = kwargs[key] continue parameters[key] = kwargs[key] # We may want a different name than path file_payload = open(kwargs.get('filepath', filename), 'rb') # Arcane getting of the file size using fstat. More details can be # found in the python library docs parameters['length'] = os.fstat(file_payload.fileno()).st_size response = self.request('midas.upload.perform', parameters, file_payload) return response
[docs] def search(self, search, token=None): """ Get the resources corresponding to a given query. :param search: The search criterion. :type search: string :param token: (optional) The credentials to use when searching. :type token: None | string :returns: Dictionary containing the search result. Notable is the dictionary item 'results', which is a list of item details. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['search'] = search if token: parameters['token'] = token response = self.request('', parameters) return response
[docs]class BatchmakeDriver(BaseDriver): """Driver for the batchmake module API methods."""
[docs] def add_condor_dag(self, token, batchmaketaskid, dagfilename, dagmanoutfilename): """ Add a Condor DAG to the given Batchmake task. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param batchmaketaskid: id of the Batchmake task for this DAG :type batchmaketaskid: int | long :param dagfilename: Filename of the DAG file :type dagfilename: string :param dagmanoutfilename: Filename of the DAG processing output :type dagmanoutfilename: string :returns: The created Condor DAG DAO :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['batchmaketaskid'] = batchmaketaskid parameters['dagfilename'] = dagfilename parameters['outfilename'] = dagmanoutfilename response = self.request('midas.batchmake.add.condor.dag', parameters) return response
[docs] def add_condor_job(self, token, batchmaketaskid, jobdefinitionfilename, outputfilename, errorfilename, logfilename, postfilename): """ Add a Condor DAG job to the Condor DAG associated with this Batchmake task :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param batchmaketaskid: id of the Batchmake task for this DAG :type batchmaketaskid: int | long :param jobdefinitionfilename: Filename of the definition file for the job :type jobdefinitionfilename: string :param outputfilename: Filename of the output file for the job :type outputfilename: string :param errorfilename: Filename of the error file for the job :type errorfilename: string :param logfilename: Filename of the log file for the job :type logfilename: string :param postfilename: Filename of the post script log file for the job :type postfilename: string :return: The created Condor job DAO. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['batchmaketaskid'] = batchmaketaskid parameters['jobdefinitionfilename'] = jobdefinitionfilename parameters['outputfilename'] = outputfilename parameters['errorfilename'] = errorfilename parameters['logfilename'] = logfilename parameters['postfilename'] = postfilename response = self.request('midas.batchmake.add.condor.job', parameters) return response
[docs]class DicomextractorDriver(BaseDriver): """Driver for the dicomextractor module API methods."""
[docs] def extract_dicommetadata(self, token, item_id): """ Extract DICOM metadata from the given item :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param item_id: id of the item to be extracted :type item_id: int | long :return: the item revision DAO :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['item'] = item_id response = self.request('midas.dicomextractor.extract', parameters) return response
[docs]class MultiFactorAuthenticationDriver(BaseDriver): """Driver for the multi-factor authentication module API methods."""
[docs] def mfa_otp_login(self, temp_token, one_time_pass): """ Log in to get the real token using the temporary token and otp. :param temp_token: The temporary token or id returned from normal login :type temp_token: string :param one_time_pass: The one-time pass to be sent to the underlying multi-factor engine. :type one_time_pass: string :returns: A standard token for interacting with the web api. :rtype: string """ parameters = dict() parameters['mfaTokenId'] = temp_token parameters['otp'] = one_time_pass response = self.request('midas.mfa.otp.login', parameters) return response['token']
[docs]class ThumbnailCreatorDriver(BaseDriver): """Driver for the thumbnailcreator module API methods."""
[docs] def create_big_thumbnail(self, token, bitstream_id, item_id, width=575): """ Create a big thumbnail for the given bitstream with the given width. It is used as the main image of the given item and shown in the item view page. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param bitstream_id: The bitstream from which to create the thumbnail. :type bitstream_id: int | long :param item_id: The item on which to set the thumbnail. :type item_id: int | long :param width: (optional) The width in pixels to which to resize (aspect ratio will be preserved). Defaults to 575. :type width: int | long :returns: The ItemthumbnailDao object that was created. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['bitstreamId'] = bitstream_id parameters['itemId'] = item_id parameters['width'] = width response = self.request('midas.thumbnailcreator.create.big.thumbnail', parameters) return response
[docs] def create_small_thumbnail(self, token, item_id): """ Create a 100x100 small thumbnail for the given item. It is used for preview purpose and displayed in the 'preview' and 'thumbnails' sidebar sections. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param item_id: The item on which to set the thumbnail. :type item_id: int | long :returns: The item object (with the new thumbnail id) and the path where the newly created thumbnail is stored. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['itemId'] = item_id response = self.request( 'midas.thumbnailcreator.create.small.thumbnail', parameters) return response
[docs]class SolrDriver(BaseDriver): """Driver for the solr module API methods."""
[docs]class TrackerDriver(BaseDriver): """Driver for the tracker module API methods."""
[docs] def associate_item_with_scalar_data(self, token, item_id, scalar_id, label): """ Associate a result item with a particular scalar value. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param item_id: The id of the item to associate with the scalar. :type item_id: int | long :param scalar_id: Scalar id with which to associate the item. :type scalar_id: int | long :param label: The label describing the nature of the association. :type label: string """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['scalarIds'] = scalar_id parameters['itemId'] = item_id parameters['label'] = label self.request('midas.tracker.item.associate', parameters)
[docs] def create_submission(self, token, **kwargs): """ Associate a result item with a particular scalar value. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param uuid (optional) The uuid of the submission (must be unique) :type uuid: string :param name (optional) The name of the submission :type name: string :returns: The submission object that was created. :rtype: dict """ parameters = {} parameters['token'] = token optional_keys = ['uuid', 'name'] for key in optional_keys: if key in kwargs: parameters[key] = kwargs[key] return self.request('midas.tracker.submission.create', parameters)
[docs] def add_scalar_data(self, token, community_id, producer_display_name, metric_name, producer_revision, submit_time, value, **kwargs): """ Create a new scalar data point. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :type token: string :param community_id: The id of the community that owns the producer. :type community_id: int | long :param producer_display_name: The display name of the producer. :type producer_display_name: string :param metric_name: The metric name that identifies which trend this point belongs to. :type metric_name: string :param producer_revision: The repository revision of the producer that produced this value. :type producer_revision: int | long | string :param submit_time: The submit timestamp. Must be parsable with PHP strtotime(). :type submit_time: string :param value: The value of the scalar. :type value: float :param config_item_id: (optional) If this value pertains to a specific configuration item, pass its id here. :type config_item_id: int | long :param test_dataset_id: (optional) If this value pertains to a specific test dataset, pass its id here. :type test_dataset_id: int | long :param truth_dataset_id: (optional) If this value pertains to a specific ground truth dataset, pass its id here. :type truth_dataset_id: int | long :param silent: (optional) If true, do not perform threshold-based email notifications for this scalar. :type silent: bool :param unofficial: (optional) If true, creates an unofficial scalar visible only to the user performing the submission. :type unofficial: bool :param build_results_url: (optional) A URL for linking to build results for this submission. :type build_results_url: string :param branch: (optional) The branch name in the source repository for this submission. :type branch: string :param submission_id: (optional) The id of the submission. :type submission_id: int | long :param submission_uuid: (optional) The uuid of the submission. If one does not exist, it will be created. :type submission_uuid: string :type branch: string :param params: (optional) Any key/value pairs that should be displayed with this scalar result. :type params: dict :param extra_urls: (optional) Other URL's that should be displayed with with this scalar result. Each element of the list should be a dict with the following keys: label, text, href :type extra_urls: list[dict] :param unit: (optional) The unit of the scalar value. :type unit: string :param reproduction_command: (optional) The command to reproduce this scalar. :type reproduction_command: string :returns: The scalar object that was created. :rtype: dict """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['communityId'] = community_id parameters['producerDisplayName'] = producer_display_name parameters['metricName'] = metric_name parameters['producerRevision'] = producer_revision parameters['submitTime'] = submit_time parameters['value'] = value optional_keys = [ 'config_item_id', 'test_dataset_id', 'truth_dataset_id', 'silent', 'unofficial', 'build_results_url', 'branch', 'extra_urls', 'params', 'submission_id', 'submission_uuid', 'unit', 'reproduction_command' ] for key in optional_keys: if key in kwargs: if key == 'config_item_id': parameters['configItemId'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'test_dataset_id': parameters['testDatasetId'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'truth_dataset_id': parameters['truthDatasetId'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'build_results_url': parameters['buildResultsUrl'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'extra_urls': parameters['extraUrls'] = json.dumps(kwargs[key]) elif key == 'params': parameters[key] = json.dumps(kwargs[key]) elif key == 'silent': if kwargs[key]: parameters[key] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'unofficial': if kwargs[key]: parameters[key] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'submission_id': parameters['submissionId'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'submission_uuid': parameters['submissionUuid'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'unit': parameters['unit'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'reproduction_command': parameters['reproductionCommand'] = kwargs[key] else: parameters[key] = kwargs[key] response = self.request('midas.tracker.scalar.add', parameters) return response
[docs] def upload_json_results(self, token, filepath, community_id, producer_display_name, metric_name, producer_revision, submit_time, **kwargs): """ Upload a JSON file containing numeric scoring results to be added as scalars. File is parsed and then deleted from the server. :param token: A valid token for the user in question. :param filepath: The path to the JSON file. :param community_id: The id of the community that owns the producer. :param producer_display_name: The display name of the producer. :param producer_revision: The repository revision of the producer that produced this value. :param submit_time: The submit timestamp. Must be parsable with PHP strtotime(). :param config_item_id: (optional) If this value pertains to a specific configuration item, pass its id here. :param test_dataset_id: (optional) If this value pertains to a specific test dataset, pass its id here. :param truth_dataset_id: (optional) If this value pertains to a specific ground truth dataset, pass its id here. :param parent_keys: (optional) Semicolon-separated list of parent keys to look for numeric results under. Use '.' to denote nesting, like in normal javascript syntax. :param silent: (optional) If true, do not perform threshold-based email notifications for this scalar. :param unofficial: (optional) If true, creates an unofficial scalar visible only to the user performing the submission. :param build_results_url: (optional) A URL for linking to build results for this submission. :param branch: (optional) The branch name in the source repository for this submission. :param params: (optional) Any key/value pairs that should be displayed with this scalar result. :type params: dict :param extra_urls: (optional) Other URL's that should be displayed with with this scalar result. Each element of the list should be a dict with the following keys: label, text, href :type extra_urls: list of dicts :returns: The list of scalars that were created. """ parameters = dict() parameters['token'] = token parameters['communityId'] = community_id parameters['producerDisplayName'] = producer_display_name parameters['metricName'] = metric_name parameters['producerRevision'] = producer_revision parameters['submitTime'] = submit_time optional_keys = [ 'config_item_id', 'test_dataset_id', 'truth_dataset_id', 'silent', 'unofficial', 'build_results_url', 'branch', 'extra_urls', 'params'] for key in optional_keys: if key in kwargs: if key == 'config_item_id': parameters['configItemId'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'test_dataset_id': parameters['testDatasetId'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'truth_dataset_id': parameters['truthDatasetId'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'parent_keys': parameters['parentKeys'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'build_results_url': parameters['buildResultsUrl'] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'extra_urls': parameters['extraUrls'] = json.dumps(kwargs[key]) elif key == 'params': parameters[key] = json.dumps(kwargs[key]) elif key == 'silent': if kwargs[key]: parameters[key] = kwargs[key] elif key == 'unofficial': if kwargs[key]: parameters[key] = kwargs[key] else: parameters[key] = kwargs[key] file_payload = open(filepath, 'rb') response = self.request('midas.tracker.results.upload.json', parameters, file_payload) return response